Wednesday, September 22, 2010

While we all wait around for Bebe Dois (Dear Child, You have 10 more hours before you are officially late...Mama isn't a big fan of tardiness, Young Lady!), here's a video of Gabriela from a couple weekends ago. It's mostly Portuguese. I thought I might add subtitles so everyone can understand, but, well, that's too much work right now. You will notice how confused she is and responds with, "Huh?" when Eric repeats a question to her in English. That totally cracks me up!

Anyway, she is munching away on a huge plum (only the third time we gave her a piece of fruit in it's entirety where she was able to eat the whole thing without help!) Eric asks her several questions including the sounds of a dog, cat, and bear, along with what a Mexican and Indian say. (No, not exactly PC, I know, but Eric has Mexican nationality so he can do that, right? And the Indian thing, well, that came from a Brasilian video with kids' songs --the only TV she gets to watch.) She also displays some of her sign language, "Potty" and "Please", at the end.


Cherie Griffin said...


How do I watch this? I can't seem to figure it out.

Cherie Griffin said...

Never mind. I got it. Great! Loved it.

Ray Adkins said...

It is so cool that you guys are keeping her Portuguese in top shape!

Fabio Bossard said...

Very nice! Raising bilingual kids brings benefits in the future.