Monday, April 13, 2009

Got Easter Chocolate, But No Baby

Well, the Easter Bunny did manage to find me and was sweet enough to leave bonbons hidden all over the living room for me yesterday morning.

Unfortunately though, the Easter Stork was nowhere to be found.

Eric had Good Friday off, and I think this was the first time we've ever stayed in town for a holiday weekend instead of traveling somewhere. The city was completely dead - but we enjoyed the nice quiet weekend.

We spent much of our time cooking together (homemade noodles, spicy chicken enchiladas, a chocolate cake to die for), going for walks, watching movies, and long conversations with our daughter about how we would really appreciate her coming out and playing with us now.

We're so blessed that this pregnancy has been completely complication-free and healthy, and I've really felt great (or as great as you can lugging around 30 extra pounds that appeared basically overnight) pretty much the entire time. I think it's just the waiting that is really starting to get to us now! And the impatience feels much more justified now that I am officially past my "due date". I personally think it would be fair to serve my child with an eviction notice now . . . you are hereby ordered to vacate the premises within 72 hours or something along those lines . . . I mean, I think I've been more than generous allowing her to live rent free in my uterus this long!


Stephanie said...

Glad you posted! I was curious to know what had happened!! Sorry not Easter baby for you...but hopefully soon!!! (and let Z baby know that I am getting impatient too!!) Evict away! hahaha! Good luck!

Lori said...

So glad you enjoyed the cake. The story in my family has always been that my mom had a big hot fudge Sundae really close to my due date and that is why I was born later. They blame it on the sundae. Ha, ha! Hopefully the chocolate isn't having anything to do with it in this case. :) Hoping you get to see her soon!