Beginning the end of next week, we are going to be embarking on a 2 1/2 month stretch of traveling and/or hosting visitors. So we thought we would take it easy this last weekend. We spent part of each day Saturday and Sunday over at the clube just hanging out in/around the pool. Gabriela spent her time at the clube napping in her stroller parked beside us in the shade. (So UV-Ray Police don't worry: she was only in the sun for the 2 minutes it took to take pictures!)

Don't let it freak you out that Gabriela's outfit consists of more fabric than Eric's swimsuit. hehe

My bathing beauties

It is still strange to hold her near my abdomen and think that she was hanging out in there just 5 weeks ago!

After a strenuous day of swimming and laying in the sun for Eric, and napping for Gabriela, those two needed some rest. They had been reading when I left the room. Five minutes later I came back to this!
Maybe you can tell by the fat rolls developing on her arm that someone has been gaining some weight.
We had a doctor's appointment for Gabriela yesterday afternoon. At 5 weeks old, she is up to 9.25 pounds and 21.25 inches. (Up from 7 lbs/19.3 in at birth!) That puts her exactly at the 50th percentile for both height and weight now. She was right around the 25th percentile when she was born, so she is growing well. She got a good report from the doctor - she's doing just perfect!
Oh, and the doctor's prediction is that she will be blonde-haired and brown-eyed. Her hair is definitely lightening up a lot (and growing - her bangs will be in her eyes soon when they're brushed straight down!), but her eyes are still quite blue . . . only time will tell!
I just love seeing Eric in those awesome swim trunks. Hunk!
It's great to see the little princess' first few weeks on the blog. :)
You three are so adorable! I'm just grinning!
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