Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Welcome to Iowa

After the most fabulous travel ever between Brasil and Iowa (I highly recommend the new American Airlines flight between Belo Horizonte and Miami!), we have received a very cold welcome . . . quite literally.

Yesterday morning we woke up to -2 F (that's -18 C) with a wind chill of -30 F (-34 C)!!! Today it started snowing at 9:00 am and it isn't supposed to stop until tomorrow morning. I would like to thoughtfully request some global warming - immediately. Gather up all your styrofoam folks and start burning it in your backyards, please.

Assuming I am not buried alive in a snowbank somewhere, I'll maybe post some pictures tomorrow. As much as I do hate to admit it, it is awfully pretty with everything out there covered in snow; so long as I stay inside with my cup of hot chocolate and just look out the window, winter and I can get along just fine!


Anonymous said...

As much as I do NOT like cold weather, i do wish you'd send a little east! I do like to have a cold christmas!! But here in south carolina on the coast, it's 70 today! Which is both good and bad!! Love the warm weather, but christmas is only a week away!! Hope you guys have a great time back home!!!! And stay warm!!

Ray Adkins said...


Global Warming has arrived in New England full force...the temperatures here have been hovering between the 50's and 60's...rain instead of snow!
We are having the warmest December I can remember in a long while...
Rhode Island is particularly lucky because we are surrounded by the warm waters of the Atlantic however there has been some bad ice storms inland Massachusetts...

Anonymous said...

I wish that American Airlines allowed small pets as carry-ons during international flights to South America. I'll be moving to BH hopefully in the end of January or beginning of February and would love the MIA-CNF flight. I don't think that the ground temps will be acceptable in Confins when we would land to have our dog as checked luggage, so I'll need a different airline.

Amanda said...

I am so glad to know y'all made it safely! I hate to be the one to remind you but uh, weren't you just complaining about the heat and saying how you couldn't wait to get to the frozen tundra of Iowa? I'm just saying........:)
p.s. can't wait to see y'all and it was 82 degrees here today.....

Anonymous said...


I moved to Rio in the beginning of March with my dog (a Welsh Corgi)as checked luggage and it was fine. Since the flight is direct (like my AA Miami-Rio flight back then), your dog should be taken off the plane immediately. It is generally cooler in BH than Rio in the summer and actually right now we are in day 4 of straight rain with temps in the 70´s. You mightstill be able to fly AA.


Do not envy you about the snow - but BH must be crying for you!! All weekend it was overcast and the rain started Sunday and has not let up!! Not the typically BH thunderstorms either, just light to medium rain ALL day!! It is flooding EVERYTHING!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are back in the states. Although snow is a gift from nature, I still prefer the warm, sunny weather here in Florida. Talk to you soon!