Today, April 18th my husband turns twenty-six,
Which really is great because he no longer picks
On me, his wife, the elder by four months time,
Is being older and wiser really such a crime?
I first met him a few years ago in 2005,
He was handsome, nice, and 2-stepped with me too.
When he returned to Iowa I wasn’t sure I’d survive,
Over the next 10 months we sure did accrue
Phone bills, sky miles, and a really long drive.
After some more time we both said “I do”,
And then quickly to Brasil the two of us flew.
The experience we are having is quite very rare,
Now my dear husband has a whole lot more hair.
But even now with his slightly more shaggy head,
I count my great blessings each night in my bed.
My husband is incredible and such a great guy,
I wanted to honor him with a poem, so this is why…
Late at night I sit typing when I should be asleep.
My thoughts awfully scattered and all over the place,
Maybe I should go back to bed and try counting sheep.
But now at this point it would be such a disgrace:
I cannot toss my husband’s poem in the trash heap.
So I should find a point and get to it quick
Lest my husband thinks I’m one crazy chick.
So what am I saying in the words of the poem?
Oh I don’t know, maybe I need the jeroboam.
Wait! I do know just exactly the words,
So no, this poem won’t be for the birds!
What I want to say to my dear hubby
Is that I’ll love you forever, even if you get chubby!
In the coming years, through the good and the bad,
In sickness or in health, and for rich or for poorer
Every year on your birthday, I’ll be scantily clad…
(Or at least until we’re real old, then I’m more surer
My nightgowns will all be long, flannel, and plaid.)
Well, now that I’ve left us both good and embarrassed,
Let’s move on to something else that is the rarest
Trait found in a man and and the real reason why
You’re the best hubby around, this I can’t deny!
You put up with my requests and my strange little quirks;
You are starting to understand just how my mind works.
And so now that you’re older and more wiser like me,
You’ll understand that it’s best to with your wife always agree!
Happy birthday Dear, I look forward to many more.
Somehow each and every year I grow to adore
This sweet wonderful man who now is my hub,
You’re closer to 50 than to 0, welcome to the club!
Which really is great because he no longer picks
On me, his wife, the elder by four months time,
Is being older and wiser really such a crime?
I first met him a few years ago in 2005,
He was handsome, nice, and 2-stepped with me too.
When he returned to Iowa I wasn’t sure I’d survive,
Over the next 10 months we sure did accrue
Phone bills, sky miles, and a really long drive.
After some more time we both said “I do”,
And then quickly to Brasil the two of us flew.
The experience we are having is quite very rare,
Now my dear husband has a whole lot more hair.
But even now with his slightly more shaggy head,
I count my great blessings each night in my bed.
My husband is incredible and such a great guy,
I wanted to honor him with a poem, so this is why…
Late at night I sit typing when I should be asleep.
My thoughts awfully scattered and all over the place,
Maybe I should go back to bed and try counting sheep.
But now at this point it would be such a disgrace:
I cannot toss my husband’s poem in the trash heap.
So I should find a point and get to it quick
Lest my husband thinks I’m one crazy chick.
So what am I saying in the words of the poem?
Oh I don’t know, maybe I need the jeroboam.
Wait! I do know just exactly the words,
So no, this poem won’t be for the birds!
What I want to say to my dear hubby
Is that I’ll love you forever, even if you get chubby!
In the coming years, through the good and the bad,
In sickness or in health, and for rich or for poorer
Every year on your birthday, I’ll be scantily clad…
(Or at least until we’re real old, then I’m more surer
My nightgowns will all be long, flannel, and plaid.)
Well, now that I’ve left us both good and embarrassed,
Let’s move on to something else that is the rarest
Trait found in a man and and the real reason why
You’re the best hubby around, this I can’t deny!
You put up with my requests and my strange little quirks;
You are starting to understand just how my mind works.
And so now that you’re older and more wiser like me,
You’ll understand that it’s best to with your wife always agree!
Happy birthday Dear, I look forward to many more.
Somehow each and every year I grow to adore
This sweet wonderful man who now is my hub,
You’re closer to 50 than to 0, welcome to the club!
Happy Birthday Eric! Sorry we can't be there to help you celebrate.
Happy 26th. Birthday !!!!
It sure was nice to heard your voice yesterday, no matter how far you are you still in our hearts.
Have fun tonight Happy Birthday to a wonderful son and brother
Love always,
Mom, Dad, Tammy and Kelly
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